Màu đỏ Màu xanh nước biển Màu vàng Màu xanh lá cây
Thứ 6 - 26/02/2016
Vietnam - Laos relations: the great friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation
Celebrating the 132nd Birth Anniversary of Ho Chi Minh President ((19/5/1890 – 19/5/2022)
Celebrating the Labour Day 2022
Celebrating the 47th Anniversary of the Liberation of the South and the National Reunification Day (April 30, 1975 - April 30, 2022)
Celebrating the 71st Anniversary of the Traditional Day of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organizations (November 17, 1950 - November 17, 2021)
The Opening Ceremony of the 2023 "Smile Expedition" Charitable Medical Exam and Treatment Program
On the morning of October 30, 2023, at the headquarter of People's Committee of Xuan Dong commune, the Dong Nai province Union of Friendship Organizations, Cam My District People's Committee in coordination with Hyosung Vietnam Co., Ltd and Korea Food for the Hungry International (KFHI)/Korea organized the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 "Smile Expedition" Charitable Medical Exam and Treatment Program.
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The Korean volunteer team posing for a group photo with delegates

At the Opening Ceremony, there were Ms. Bui Thi Lieu - Vice President of Dong Nai province Union of Friendship Organizations; Mr. Nguyen Quoc An - Deputy Head of Dong Nai Industrial Zones Authority; Mr. Nguyen Viet Thang - Deputy Director of Dong Nai province Department of External Relations; Mr. Huynh Tan Thin - Chairman of Cam My District People's Committee; Mr. Le Bach Long - Vice Chairman of Vietnam - Korea Friendship Association, Chairman of Young Entrepreneurs Association of Dong Nai province; Mr. Kim Kyung Hwan​ - General Director of Hyosung Vietnam Co., Ltd; Mr. Park Sun Jong - Director of KFHI Vietnam and Korean volunteers, members of the provincial Vietnam - Korea friendship association.

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A team of Korean volunteers interacting with students at Xuan Dong Primary School, Cam My district

It is known that the 2023 "Smile Expedition" Charitable Medical Exam and Treatment Program is sponsored by Hyosung Vietnam Co., Ltd and Korea Food for the Hungry International with a total cost of 3.2 billion VNĐ. The voluntary activities took place during 04 days (from October 30 to November 2, 2023). 38 volunteers who are experts and doctors at Korea University Anam Hospital conducted medical examination and treatment and provided medicine free to about 2,000 people in Xuan Dong commune, Cam My district.

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Students receiving gifts from Korean volunteers

Speaking at the Program, Mr. Phan The Hung - Chairman of Xuan Dong Commune People's Committee expressed his thanks to the sponsors for caring about the health of people in the commune. The activities of the 2023 "Smile Expedition" Charitable Medical Exam and Treatment Program contribute to improving people's awareness and health; thereby, deepeen the feelings and strengthern the friendship relations between the people of Vietnam and those of Korea, especially the people of Xuan Dong commune, Cam My district and volunteers at Anam Hospital, Korea University.

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Students posing for a group photo with Korean volunteers

On this occasion, Ms. Bui Thi Lieu - Vice President of Dong Nai province Union of Friendship Organizations and Mr. Nguyen Viet Thang - Deputy Director of Dong Nai province Department of External Relations presented the flowers to the sponsors instead of the authorities' deep thanks.

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A team of Korean volunteers exchanging a musical performance at the Program